Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Uncanny Valley

Buy me, here
i am by me.

in laminate,
neon reflections
radiate from
bonded skin.
Buy me...

i have drunk
polymer waters
to turn my
blood to wine.

Body bent
on lathe,
chipping bone
to  meet the
shape of
your dreams.

Buy me
and fill
your hole
with my

Buy me. Transact.
Or transform into
a pillar of salt.

Anirban Baishya (November 7th, 2018)

Friday, November 2, 2018


Night is the 
name of the
color that
invites the
ghost of my

Slowly they 
crawl, shells
covering the
echoes of
their sinister

The slime of
their tracks, 
written into
my bones...their 
gastropod teeth 
slicing through 
my  mothers' 

A hole in my 
belly is all
that remains...

An aching eye
in my navel
flutters to
remind me of
the cords that
they have cut.

Anirban Baishya (November 2nd, 2018)