Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So this
is how it is.
My shadow limb...

I can still
feel my leg
that isn't there
(recently chopped
and dumped in the trash).

But my fingers
can't find the
spot where it itches...

Just a bleeding,
festering scab where
it used to be.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (17/10/2012)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bullet Point Love

August company
  • Love
  • You

For the death of me.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (4/9/2012)

Friday, August 17, 2012


You are the
I am the

Only there's
no one
staring into us.

I cry for
the dying horse
as I mourn
my brother in
the barbed wire coffin.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (18/8/2012)

Thursday, August 9, 2012


To speak of touch, to speak
of lips,this memory of your's
in my fingertips.

Every synapse,nerve,each cell...
every vein pulsates
with this story to tell.

If life's just a mirror
of a dream and every melody
just the rhythm of a scream...

No telling which way the axe
will swing;
or where the prelude
becomes the sign
that ends everything.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (20/7/2012)

Monday, May 14, 2012


Red monkey breath—
each  petal                                                       flutters
like paper in
the                                                                    gutters    in
the turbulent energy
of its                                                                                                   being.

Its love, a simian
logic (or the lack of it).

Swinging sinews
bind palm to branch,
to                                                                     root—each
each leaf flutters too,
in the reckless dance
of its                                                                                                    fleeing.                

Ancient primal
primate love this,
that fills the
rhesus in my                                                    gut—
Red and throbbing
and vital
its song                                                             but,
just a note
short of                                                                                                freeing.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (14/5/2012)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Some things are better not named...

My star burns now,
joyous and throbbing!

My star burns,shining
its thousand sun light
into me.

Synapse to soul,
its sinews bind me
in newfound strength.

The light cradles me
like Lazarus'
resurrected breath.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (3/5/2012)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Shoe's Lament

I'm still size six, Its you
that's grown too big.

For a year I cradled you like
a child. Now my leather's
tattered, my sole's burnt wild.

Every step you took forward you see,
Was an inch closer to oblivion for me.

The print you and I had left on the sand,
painted the end, now close at hand.

Now sitting on this coffin like rack, my
mind cannot help wander back
To the time when
I wasn't just another old shoe,
and meant the whole world to you.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (7/4/2012)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Time Travels (like an arrow through my flesh)

Have you been struck by time's
untimely arrow?
The irreversible reverse,shot
from its twisted bow?

The open wound is soft inside,
when it comes down to
the last grain of sand,
there is no loss
and no pride.

When the scales tip, what
is a wrinkle, and what is
a smile? I can only
wish, my clock would
wait a while.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (3/4/2012)

Sonnets are luck, one short's a fuck

Caught between
the beautifully
sad and the
sadly beautiful,
the chains of time
hours, minutes,
seconds weave themselves
into a wrinkled tapestry
on the skin of my lifetime.

Nothing ever lasts
and time is like
ice in the sun--
Death is done.

Anirban Kapil Baishya(3/4/2012)

Monday, April 2, 2012

To all things beautiful...

To all things
how I wish
your shimmer
would freeze
and not flow away...

How I wish
the clock would
stop for us
frozen. Still
in beauty
the colour
of my rage
would turn
a shade more mellow.

Yet the candle
burns and the
wax lies in a
pool of memories
the shimmer flew by
just a flickering
black shadow, can
I have it back please?

Anirban Kapil Baishya(2/4/2012)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

This is how we died

The sun came down
and hit the ground,
everything turned black
and now wer'e back
back to how we died.

The moon rose up and
broke the cup,
spilling silver light
poisoned the night
and this is how we died.

The fire died out
and raised a doubt,
wer'e really alone,
no one on the other side
of the phone,
so that is how we died.

So the writers wrote
on a sinking boat,
their words washed away
like the memory of the day,
and that is how we died.

So that is how we died,
and no one cried,
because there was
no one left,to
mind the theft,
the theft of our lives
because that is how
they all died.

And if you think
there's nothing worse,
than this morbidly
silly verse,
then your'e only
trying to hide,
because that is
how you died.

Anirban Kapil Baishya(2/4/2012)

Friday, March 30, 2012


lost in the
flurry of the
digital storm...
The giant
family, now
in hyper swarm.

Yesterday, you
would be only a
faded photograph
now we transcend
tombstone and

Tomorrow, your
flesh will no
longer be,
the soul encaged
shall be set free.

Yet though not
in any place,
afterlife shall be
the promise of
a digital trace.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (30/3/2012)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


What does it mean
to be nowhere?
Can you tell me,

What does it mean,
to be nobody?
Would "me" be
different without one?

What does it mean?
When you cannot
make sense
out of it...

Anirban Kapil Baishya(27/3/2012)


Heaven's just
a few blocks away
from where i live—
fenced in barbed wire,
its fruits are
too far away
to taste.

Inside, there's music,
the bricks that
build up the wall
of my dreams—
but for us here,
the sound of laughter
comes at the price
of our souls.

Here, in our
light means only
the harsh stare
of sixty watt bulbs—
spent under its
blinding glare.

Bleak walls speak
through generations
of grime and dust—
their voices gone
hoarse from praying.

Down here—where i live,
Life means the place
everybody wants to leave.
East of us, where sunlight is—
music, friends, laughter—
heaven—the place
that never is.

Anirban Kapil Baishya(27/3/2012)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Things have
the people are
they dont
recognize my
face anymore.
The grass was
green, like
nothing youv'e
now all I
have are
these pills
and a broken

Things have
these things are
the sole of my
soul awaits,
tattered alone...
it seems like
not too long ago,
your arrival was
a footstep
on cold

Anirban Kapil Baishya (26/3/2012)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

If only time meant soft clocks...

Infinite this,infernal
infallibility,inferential hell...
I might as well.

Paint the colour of time,
skeleton of the universe,
each day's a hearse.

Night,a funeral
for the dying day...
I have to say.

There is no love, no above;
Just an infinitely infinite
circle---infernal, sublime,
You and I, forever drowning
in the cruel tides of time.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (11/3/2012)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

On Murder

A blade can blot,
out of eyes, the sun...
A murderer is just
God with a gun...

A pound of flesh,
a debt to release,
God is in the fangs
of the wolf to the geese.

A cruel divinity
surely this,
this urge to kill,
murder is but
the brother of
free will.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (24/2/2012)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

To Night

Night, my armour,

my sweet, dark cloud—

salvation from

empty eyes, darkness

my shroud.

This body,

soul entrapped

in flesh, divine

deceit, you hide—

lingering somewhere

between, the barbed


Night, my lover,

my promise

of play—night,

deliverance from

the benumbing skin

of the day.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (21/2/2012)

Friday, February 10, 2012


"Canvas is dead",
i told me the
other day.

"No, an exorcism
is all it needs",
said he to me.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (11/2/2012)

Sunday, February 5, 2012


If time could be in a vial
stored, the dust of memories,
of lips adored...etched in
the mind, like a photograph,
the window without a wall
is only half...

The shoe must try, the elusive
foot to find...the
spectacle without the eye
is forever blind.

Memory of your lips, a photograph...
Window I, wall-less am half.
To you then,this silent serenade,
if love is satin, then parting a blade.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (5/2/2012)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

i live in my flesh

Pry open the
hinges to the
door of the heart, I
want to see what is
inside of me...

Landscape of my
soul, tethered in
bone and blood, an
idea made flesh.

The body is
just the mirror
for what i feel.

Anirban Kapil Baishya(22/1/2012)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

i don't know what to name this poem

There is a spark,

'tis not a fire still.

The cup is dry yet,

waiting for wine to fill.

The seed's been sowed,

How is there love, otherwise?

The flower will bloom like,

The desire 'tween my thighs.

The spark can be a fire still,

Burning brighter than, the light of day—

The soul is frenzied but when, the heart

will rest, the legs will find their way.

The spark can be a fire still,

The spark will be a fire still...

Anirban Kapil Baishya(16/1/2012)

i live on Your wall

i live on
Your wall,
a hanging man
in the middle
of a tunnel eye,
a face, fragmented,
black to the core.

i live on Your wall,
a dying fish, or a
burst of colour
that the centre
cannot hold.

They live on
my wall, a
stream of photographs
on my sea of faces.

i live on my
wall, a peeping
man staring at me
when i sleep.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (15/1/2012)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

To A Sick Brother

Skin and bone,
my flesh my own.
To you these words,
in sorrow this ode,
This tryst, betwixt
my brother, a genetic code.

Pills,thrills and
desires that kill.
Time, cruel law,
looking not seeing,
the darkness we've
let into the synapses
of our being.

Tears will dry, go
up in
cigarettes that
do words choke.
Death will pay the
debt that's owed.
This tragedy my brother,
of our genetic code.

Anirban Kapil Baishya (9/1/2012)