Saturday, July 17, 2010


The more
I sleep
on my
wretched bed
the more
I become
a stone...
grass creeps
a little yellow now,
where marrow
once filled
my bones...

I could
grow roots
in Tapti,72...

Anirban Kapil Baishya (18/7/2010)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

i na dre am,
an in fini te
lo op of wrong
tur ns...
Wal kin g
ti ghtro pe, o'er
a j um ble
of w o r d s, I
am a fe ste ron
the Sk i NoF
m y

there is n OeND
t o TH is...

a NIR b An k A pIl bAi SH yA(3/7/2010)