Monday, September 28, 2009


Things lost
in transmission,
between the
thought and the
action, must be
read in the empty
vastness 'tween
the eye and I.

The spirit is
just, everything
the body
cannot be.

So searching,
these liminal
spaces, my
animal being,lives
forever 'tween the
shadow and the light.

Anirban Kapil Baishya(28/9/2009)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Like a dead
the distance
between me
and you
is deafening.

The more
we connect,
the more
we don't...
words repeated,
rituals of tongue
and finger, now
mean nothing.

Your smiley,
happy constantly.
What about you?

Anirban Kapil Baishya(25/9/2009)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

BLACK OUT(To Dead Danny)
Naked in my room,
the ghost of my
dead brother
visits me sometimes;
buzzing like a
mosquito near
my ear, begging
not to be forgotten...

Without you, darkened;
the circuitry of my world,
glows one bulb weaker...

Anirban Kapil Baishya(20/9/2009)

Monday, September 7, 2009

This is
the beginning,
This is the
The journey
is complete,
No corners
to mend...
If I have died...
I'll live again...
Arrival's departure,
Just 360, 'tween
now and then...

Anirban Kapil Baishya(8/9/2009)
Eyes in my pocket,
I can't see you...
Ears in my hands,
I won't hear you...
Nose, in some
trashcan, I don't need
to smell you anymore...
All your opinions,
now a cock, shoved
up your hallowed butt...
At least I can be
myself now...

Anirban Kapil Baishya (7/9/2009)